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Updated: May 9, 2020

Thank you to everyone who contributed on May 2nd. I will periodically update with latest news. Please feel free to contribute and send us your Healing Hands! This first set was sent to Holy Name Hospital on Saturday, My 9th.

Every scout can make a difference in helping their communities in some way while practicing social distancing. This project requires very little, but its impact can be HUGE! Grab a sheet of paper, markers, crayons and glitter glue and let’s get to work!


  • Any size sheet of paper (but preferably letter size 8.5 x 11)

  • Preferred coloring medium (crayons, markers, color pencils, water colors, etc.)

  • Smart phone or digital scanner

  • Scanning software (Genius Scan, HP Smart or your preference).


An ugly baddie (by the name of COVID-19) is waging an all out war on our friends, families and loved ones. People of all ages, backgrounds and creeds are getting sick and doctors, nurses, EMT’s and janitors are on the frontlines everyday helping those most vulnerable get better. Those sick by this virus are most often a part from everyone they know and are susceptible to feelings of sadness and despair. But, YOU have the power to change all that. Your creativity may be the very thing that someone may need to keep pushing forward and boost up morale.

I personally believe everyone has a little bit of sunshine that lights up their soul. When you create something (whether a bird house, a drawing or a paracord bracelet) a small amount of you shines in your creation. That creation in-turn has the power to bring some light to someone else’s day.


1) Create something AWESOME! Create something that brings you joys and be creative with your color choices. Rainbows, ninja lego men, rockin’ roll alligators are all fair game. The important thing is that your artwork is positive and is created in such a way to bring joy to someone‘s face.

2) Let’s give a hand... or two... or three!

A human hand silhouette is a powerful thing. They transcends vast distances and time. Did you know that on Sulawesi Island in Indonesia for example, archeologists discovered hand silhouettes that were over 40,000 years old? You can use your hand silhouette as a picture frame for your creation or you could use multiple hand silhouettes as a part of your artwork. Have fun with it!

3) Add some positive literary mojo.

Words are a powerful thing. Think of some words of encouragement to add to your art work like: “Thank You”, ”Get Well Soon”, “YOU ARE SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS.” All are perfectly acceptable as long as they are positive, written in kindness and done in good faith.

4) Sign your masterpiece... but consider the following

When signing your work of art, please limit it to all / or just some of the following:

  1. First Name ONLY

  2. COUNCIL (In our case BS - NNJC)

  3. Pack or Troop Number

5) BEAM ME UP MR. MCCOY! Once your artworks’ to your liking, digitize it! Scan it using either your smart phone (using apps like Genius Scan or HP Smart) or scanner and then printing it out. Remember to try to keep your file size below 1mb (1000kb). Saving to a medium resolution usually does the job. Once it meets your approval, email you work to:

From here, your artwork will be made accessible to Holy Name Hospital where it will be shared on monitors, desktops and places where frontline fighters and patients could use some hope and encouragement.

Some Examples:

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